

椅子: Udambor Bumandalai
电话: (435) 283-7443
电子邮件: udambor.bumandalai@雪.edu
部门网站: www.雪.edu/academics/humanities/language



联系人: Udambor Bumandalai
(435) 283-7443
程序的网页: www.雪.edu/esl 

The ESL Program provides an intensive 英语 program designed for non-native 英语 speakers whose 英语 language skills are not yet developed enough to read, write, take notes and 考试inations, or do other college-level work in 英语. 大多数ESL学生 在一到两个学期内完成课程.

Students in the ESL Program attend classes five to six hours a day for five days a 周. ESL 课程 instruct students in basic to advanced levels of academic 英语 skills such as speaking, listening, reading, and writing. ESL课程还提供 subjects which will help students to live and study at an American college.

Unless students have submitted a TOEFL score of 500, 173 CBT, 63 iBT (with a minimum of 15 in each section) or higher before arrival on campus, they are required to take ESL分班考试的额外费用为25美元.00.  这是一次实习 考试. 学生不能参加多次考试. 这次考试的分数将决定 学生将在哪里开始他们的学习.

After taking the Placement Exam, students are placed in one  of four different levels. Students who earn a score of 88 or better on the placement 考试 will be admitted into regular 学术课程 and will need to take only ESL 1051 as a prerequisite for 英格兰1010年. Students may challenge ESL 1051 by taking a written essay 考试 that is 由三名ESL教师评分.  学生必须以85%或更高的分数通过考试 至少三个评级员中的两个.


  • 写作: Students will be able to write clearly and effectively to succeed in regular academic 课程.
  • 阅读: Students will be able to read effectively to obtain information to succeed in regular 学术课程.
  • 沟通: Students will be able to communicate effectively in classes and with instructors 在正规的学术课程中取得成功.
  • 文化: Students will have a cultural awareness of the differences between their own home culture's instructional style and American classroom culture to be able to succeed 在正规的学术课程中.
  • 语法: Students will be familiar with the 英语 tense system and be able to produce grammatically 理解话语.


项目负责人: 特拉维斯Schiffman
电话: (435) 283-7355
电子邮件: 特拉维斯.schiffman@雪.edu
程序的网页: www.雪.edu/foreignlanguages

The foreign languages taught at 雪的大学 are Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, 韩语和西班牙语. The study of a foreign language includes the language plus its cultures, civilization, literature, and instruction in effective communication via 书面和口头模式.

Foreign language majors study the language as a vehicle of personal, academic, and professional expression in a variety of contexts appropriate to the cultures where 语言是口语. They study the people who speak the language, and they investigate attitudes, behaviors, and histories through a variety of media and through interaction with native speakers, or advanced non-native speakers, and texts. 专业人士还阅读 并广泛地用外语写作.

Students often combine a foreign language major with a secondary major, thus increasing 他们的职业潜力.


Students who complete the recommended foreign language curriculum at 雪的大学 取得以下成果:


  • Students will be able to understand the main point in short conversations, messages, 以及他们听到的目标语言的公告. (新手高听力)

Students will be able to understand some ideas in simple texts that contain familiar 词汇表. (新手高读)


  • Students will be able to provide basic information on familiar topics using phrases 和简单句(新手高口语生产).
  • Students will be able to write descriptions and short messages to request or provide information on familiar topics using phrases and simple 句子. (新手高写) 生产)


  • Students will be able to exchange information on familiar tasks, topics, and activities.
  • Students will be able to handle short social interactions using phrases and simples 句子. They may need help or visuals to keep the conversation going. (新手高 人与人之间的交流)
  • Students will express satisfaction with their ability to reach their communication 目标.


  • Students will be able to talk about and describe (in 英语) aspects of the target culture, such as food, clothing, types of dwellings, modes of transportation, buildings, 和纪念碑.
  • Students will be able to make comparisons between their culture and the target culture and explain differences based on linguistic, geographic, historical, etc. 提示.
  • Students will seek opportunities to learn about and experience new cultures outside 类的.


电话: (435) 283-7436
程序的网页: www.雪.edu/tesl

The TESL Program offers training for students who want to teach 英语 to non-native 说英语的人. Students can earn an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in TESL or complete the TESL curriculum while pursuing an Associate of Arts (recommended) 或理学副学士学位.

Students who complete the Certificate of Proficiency will receive a certificate designation on their transcript and will be able to find jobs outside the United States teaching 英语. 

Students will continue in a program to pursue a TESOL minor, a TESOL bachelor’s degree 或相关领域的硕士学位.e. TESOL,第二语言教学,应用语言学.

Students will be able to teach 英语 abroad it their native language or if they are competent in 英语 (TOEFL iBT of 63 or successful completion of the ESL program (在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行)向非母语人士开放.


  • Students will be able to write effective lesson plans, teach 英语 Second Language students effectively across the curriculum and evaluate their progress.  


Associate of Applied Science in Teaching 英语 as  Second Language
Certificate of Proficiency - 英语作为第二语言教学